
Action Reduction is expanding its activities in
Portneuf, Trois-Rivieres and Manicouagan


Businesses Supported




To come

The Action Reduction support is expanding its activities in Quebec!

Thanks to a contribution from the Alcoa Foundation, businesses in the Portneuf and Manicouagan Regional County Municipalities (MRCs), as well as in the City of Trois-Rivières, will benefit from personalized support to engage in a source reduction approach for their waste. The main objective is to divert 1000 tons of organic materials from landfill. Businesses generating the most organic waste will be targeted as a priority. In addition, training sessions will be offered in schools in the region to facilitate the implementation of organic waste collection. Schools will be contacted, and those most interested are invited to register here now.

Project Objectives and Stages

The project will be implemented in stages in each of the RCMs and in Trois-Rivières over three years, aiming to facilitate the collection of organic materials.

November 2022 to October 2023 – Portneuf RCM
Summary: Nearly 241 tons of organic materials have been diverted from landfill with the support of 55 businesses and institutions in the region. Of these, 14 will receive the “Certifié Régie”, a new program developed jointly by the Régie verte de Portneuf and Earth Day Canada.

November 2023 to October 2024 – City of Trois-Rivières
Objective: Divert 400 tons of organic materials from landfill with the support of 100 businesses towards improving their practices in waste management and source reduction.

September 2024 to September 2025 – Manicouagan RCM
Objective: Divert 300 tons of organic materials from landfill with the support of 80 businesses towards improving their practices in waste management and source reduction.


The goal is to raise awareness and support voluntary businesses in diverting their organic materials and optimizing their practices in source reduction, reuse, and sound waste management.

The proposed support includes:

  • An initial visit to the business to identify the needs and constraints of the merchant;
  • A comprehensive audit of the business’s waste management (brief characterization of collection containers and analysis of operations);
  • Development of an action plan to target and prioritize solutions to be implemented;
  • Support in the implementation of selected measures and monitoring of progress;
  • Employee training on sorting and communication tools available on request.


Expertise areas: combating food waste, waste management, consulting services for commercial or institutional clients, source reduction, alternatives to single-use items, zero waste.


Contact us

Earth Day Canada

5818, boulevard Saint-Laurent
Montréal (Québec) H2T 1T3 Canada

Phone : (514) 728-0116
Toll free : 1 800 424-8758
Fax : (514) 303-0248