Mobilizing Municipalities
Municipalities celebrating with Earth Day Canada and driving the ecological transition
2020 Edition
In 2020, 82 municipalities joined our campaign and took action for the environment on Earth Day. Of these cities, 19 also participated in the Tree Planting Relay across the country.

Message from Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montréal and municipal spokesperson for the Earth Day campaign.
Valérie Plante
“In Montréal, we know that taking action to protect our planet also means a better quality of life in our neighbourhoods. We will work tirelessly to reduce our ecological footprint and strengthen our resilience. The current health crisis has made us realize just how interconnected we are, and that we must prepare collectively for the major challenges that lie ahead. We call on all our fellow citizens to take action at their own scale. I would like to extend a special invitation to Canadian municipalities to embark on this journey with us and amplify our collective impact.”
Your municipality wants to partner with Earth Day and participate in the Earth Day 2020 media campaign? It’s as easy as downloading the free municipal toolkit, available here!
The toolkit contains:
- The official Earth Day Canada logo
- The campaign visuals in various formats
- The campaign video clip
- Templates for social media posts
- Activity suggestions
Contact us
Earth Day Canada
5818, boulevard Saint-Laurent
Montréal (Québec) H2T 1T3 Canada
Phone : (514) 728-0116
Toll free : 1 800 424-8758
Fax : (514) 303-0248
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