Earth Day (April 22) is an international environmental celebration created in 1970. Jour de la Terre Canada / Earth Day Canada are the organizations responsible for organizing the April 22 celebrations in Canada and coordinating many environmental programs and projects throughout the year.
These days, Earth Day is increasingly perceived by businesses as a sales opportunity by presenting their products or services as environmentally friendly. To counteract such dubious practices, the ownership of the Earth Day trademark was transferred in 1993 from Earth Day International to Earth Day Canada so that the latter could ensure that Earth Day keeps the essence of its original mission in Canada. Thus, Earth Day and the Earth Day logo are registered trademarks in Canada and Jour de la Terre Canada / Earth Day Canada owns copyright to the terms “Earth Day” and “Jour de la Terre”. The logo Jour de la Terre Québec is a registered trademark in Canada and the phrase “Le jour de la terre” is a registered trademark in France owned by Earth Day Canada.
The use of any of these trademarks for promotional or commercial purposes is strictly prohibited without the written permission of Jour de la Terre Canada / Earth Day Canada.
However, we encourage the use of the Earth Day Canada logo in connection with activities that are organized by environmental non-profits as part of Earth Day and to raise awareness among the public. To obtain the logo of Earth Day Canada and to acquire permission for its use in your communication tools, please write to us at
Earth Day Canada respects copyright and third-party trademark rights. If you believe that the content posted on the web portals or websites operated by Earth Day Canada infringes on your copyright or trademark rights, please send a written notice of copyright infringement in writing to the designated agent of Earth Day Canada at the address indicated below. This notice must specify the nature of the infringement of the copyright or trademark.
Earth Day Canada
Attn.: Ms. Valérie Mallamo
5818 Saint-Laurent Boulevard
Montreal, Quebec
H2T 1T3
Contact us
Earth Day Canada
5818, boulevard Saint-Laurent
Montréal (Québec) H2T 1T3 Canada
Phone : (514) 728-0116
Toll free : 1 800 424-8758
Fax : (514) 303-0248
2025 © Earth Day Canada. All rights reserved.
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