
Science-Based Tree Planting For A Healthy Canada







What is Tomorrow’s Forest?

The mission of the Tomorrow’s Forest program is to strengthen the resilience and health of forests and living environments across Canada by developing a science-based approach to tree planting. By ensuring the planting of diverse and locally adapted species, Tomorrow’s Forest supports the health of our ecosystems, and in turn, the health of Canadians,
as well as the fight against climate change.

The program aims to carry out various innovative projects that meet the specific needs of actors from all walks of life: citizens, municipalities and organizations. In other words, the team of Tomorrow’s Forest is there to transform its partners’ environmental objectives into concrete actions through projects tailored to their needs. Through their donations,
citizens can make a concrete contribution to reforestation across the country.

How does it work?

Through your spontaneous donations, voluntary contributions when you download our greeting cards or purchases of our
Earth Day T-shirts, you can contribute to the Tomorrow’s Forest program. Your contributions help fund tree plantings
across Canada through the Earth Day Municipal Planting Relay.

The Tomorrow’s Forest program encourages municipalities to reforest cities to combat heat islands, improve stormwater management and create living environments that are more pleasant for the population. Tomorrow’s Forest can support local initiatives and promote the greening of private residential, institutional, industrial, and commercial properties,
in partnership with municipal initiatives.

The Tomorrow’s Forest program offers support for organizations wishing to offset their carbon emissions
by supporting reforestation across Canada.

Is your municipality or organization interested in developing a project? Do not hesitate to submit a request below.
Citizens and organizations alike can contribute to the Tomorrow’s Forest program via our donation form.



Tomorrow’s Forest contributed to the realization of the City of Quebec’s Tree Vision, which has been developed to increase the city’s Canopy Area Index. In the past two years, the project has funded 15 greening projects for a total of 981 new trees on more than 40 different sites in Quebec City.

375 000 TREES

At the origins of this more ambitious project to green the province of Quebec as a whole, the project 375 000 Trees aims to increase the canopy area index of the greater metropolitan area by 3%. The project entails planting 375 000 new trees, a green and sustainable legacy for the 375th anniversary of Montreal. The planting operation, in collaboration with Quebecor, is a joint initiative of the Cowboys Fringants Foundation, the David Suzuki Foundation, the La Compagnie Larivée Cabot Champagne, and Earth Day.

Tomorrow’s Forest—Green Infrastructure

Tomorrow’s Forest—Green Infrastructure aims to better understand the roles that certain greening activities and agricultural practices can play in climate change mitigation and adaptation. With a grant from the Government of Quebec, Earth Day Canada will be implementing several pilot projects on agricultural corridors in collaboration with the Chaire de recherche du Canada en économie écologique de l'UQO, Habitat and the Union des producteurs agricoles.

Contact us

Earth Day Canada

5818, boulevard Saint-Laurent
Montréal (Québec) H2T 1T3 Canada

Phone : (514) 728-0116
Toll free : 1 800 424-8758
Fax : (514) 303-0248