Blog & News

Waste Management Coordinator - Replacement of maternity leave
Mélissa Aumont-Rodrigue
Equipped with her education in biology and environmental management, Mélissa aims to participate in environmental protection through awareness, sensitization and mobilization of the different participating members of society. That’s why she’s diving headfirst into the issue of waste management, since it is a major threat to natural and urban environments, and consequently to the species that live there. Between two TV series, Mélissa likes taking care of her cat and discovering new zero-waste products!
Gold in Our Recycling Bins
We sort our plastic packaging and tissue boxes at home without giving what will be done with them afterwards a second thought, let alone what value our recycling bin holds. However, what we call “waste” can also be a valuable resource for creating new products.
Eco sapiens : living in harmony with the environment and protecting it
October is Canada’s “Waste Reduction Week”! Every year, Zero Waste Quebec also hosts a week to raise awareness, provide tools and inspire environmentally conscious Quebecers to minimize their ecological impact by reducing their waste. How might this translate into everyday life?
Contact us
Earth Day Canada
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Montréal (Québec) H2T 1T3 Canada
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