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Experte de la lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire
Elisabeth Paradis
Passionnée de bouffe, Elisabeth aime utiliser l'alimentation comme façon de connecter avec les gens. Pour elle, manger est lié au plaisir et au partage, mais aussi à ses valeurs environnementales. Si elle n'est pas dans sa cuisine, vous la retrouverez dans son jardin, sur son vélo, ou en train d'être la fan numéro 1 de ses chats Dumpling et Kimchi.
Reinventing Your Meals by Cooking from Your Pantry
For many, March is synonymous with garden planning and seed starting. This joy comes with a reminder—it’s time to use up your 2024 reserves to make space for new harvests.
Rescuing Your Recipes
Here are a few situations where a recipe seems ruined but can actually be salvaged with simple tricks.
Keeping Your Baked Goods Fresh Without the Hassle
There’s nothing more frustrating than buying a quality loaf of bread, only to have it harden or mold before you can finish it!
Cooking the Seasonal Abundance with Your Community
Has your garden spoiled you more than usual, leaving you with tomatoes coming out of your ears? Be careful—abundance, if mismanaged, can lead to waste!
Answers to Your Questions – Food Fight Workshops
As a Food Fight workshop speaker, I’ll address some frequently asked questions about food preservation.
Cooking Without Recipes… And Without Stress!
One of the best ways to limit food waste at home is by knowing how to improvise in the kitchen. For some people, this seems very obvious and simple to do, but for others it’s quite a challenge.
Giving a Second Life to Your Food Waste
To maximize the value of food scraps, just before the compost stage, I’d like to suggest 5 ways to give them a second life, apart from using them for cooking!
2024 Resolution: Zero-Waste Reflexes to Maintain All Year Round!
If you want to reduce your environmental footprint, reducing food waste is a great place to start!
The Anti-Waste Pantry
One of the best ways to reduce food waste is to cook what you already have, whether it’s the half a cabbage that’s been sitting at the back of the fridge or leftover chicken from two days ago.
Ideas for Your Barbecue Leftovers
It’s hard to beat a good BBQ party in the summer! It’s easy, fun, and always delicious. If you get carried away and make too much, there’s no shortage of options for tasty leftovers recipes (recipes made with whatever’s left!).
The Nuts and Bolts of Zero Waste in the Outdoors
Spring sunshine ushers in the return of weekends in the great outdoors and you may have already noticed that food waste sometimes invades our escapades as well!
Get Your Community Involved in Your Anti-Waste Initiative
Whether it’s the extra pastries that sit on the conference table at work for days or your roommate’s bag of carrots getting damp in the fridge, you don’t have to deal with everything on your own: we need to collectively manage the fight against food waste.
Creative Recipes for Decorated Pumpkins!
Despite its interesting nutritional value, its cooking versatility and its great flavour, each year, thousands of tonnes of pumpkins end up in the garbage. The seasoned zero-wasters already know that pumpkins are much more than just decoration and that they don’t go out of style on November 1st!
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