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We made it—it’s 2021. It was more than time for 2020 to end. With the global pandemic that we all experienced and are still experiencing, the past year has not been the best.
As we collectively take our first steps into the new year, the team at Earth Day would like to share its beneficial resolutions, which are aimed at doing good for ourselves and the planet.
“Less alcohol, less screen time, less junk food, less meat, less shopping; more vegetables, more repairs, more building, more second-hand, more gardening.”
Jean-François Péloquin – Logistics Director, Distribution of Eco-Friendly Items
“Get back my momentum for discussion and helping the people around me to move forward. I had lost a bit of my energy after 2–3 years of being vegan and having to debate it for 30 minutes every time I ate in public.”
Alice Debiolles – Communications Officer
“Consume fewer dairy products; learn about vegan food and start my transition; move toward a zero-waste bathroom; sew cloth toilet paper for urine and purchase a bidet; use the 14 hours I spend per week on my cell phone for other activities like reading and walking. And also do volunteer work more often!”
Carolyn Dolan – Advisor, Waste Management
“My resolution is to disconnect—starting with electricity! Reduce my consumption of electricity by unplugging appliances when they are not in use; make my spouse understand that we don’t live in a palace and that leaving lights on in an empty room is of little use. And disconnect digitally: clean out my inbox; choose to read books more often than streaming movies, which is great of course, but causes energy-consuming servers to run at full speed.”
Myriam Charconnet – Communications Officer
“My resolutions are very much centred around learning and discussion: debunk the carbon footprint; better understand climate issues and the destruction of biodiversity so that I can discuss these issues in simple language and present effective ‘solutions’ to both. Put these ‘solutions’ into practice to become aware of the possible obstacles to changing our habits. Prioritize reducing my overflowing waste. Share my thoughts and especially listen to those of others, but never stop the debate. Answer the question: how can we engage people who are not at all aware of the cause and how can we reach them through our activities? Start discussions at work and with friends and family; surround myself with the right people so I don’t get discouraged.”
Camille Defoly – Project Manager and Speaker, Food Fight
We have more than 300 days to work toward all of this. Together, let’s continue to take concrete action and make decisions that benefit our planet!

Communications Officer - Media Campaign
Myriam Charconnet
Passionate about wildlife and wide open spaces, Myriam is committed to protecting the environment, which has inspired her to focus her career in this sector. Strongly committed to the cause of animal justice, she is involved in various associations and animal shelters. Always eager to discover, she likes to travel, read, run to photo exhibitions and musical events, and… eat chocolate!
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