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Mot-clé : antiwaste recipe
Behind the Scenes of Composting: Who’s Working Behind Your Brown Bin?
Faced with the environmental emergency and the growing daily waste production, organic waste collection has become a priority in urban and peri-urban centers.
Reinventing Your Meals by Cooking from Your Pantry
For many, March is synonymous with garden planning and seed starting. This joy comes with a reminder—it’s time to use up your 2024 reserves to make space for new harvests.
Rescuing Your Recipes
Here are a few situations where a recipe seems ruined but can actually be salvaged with simple tricks.
Cooking Without Recipes… And Without Stress!
One of the best ways to limit food waste at home is by knowing how to improvise in the kitchen. For some people, this seems very obvious and simple to do, but for others it’s quite a challenge.
Beautiful world of canning!
The idea is to always be able to enjoy your favourite meals thanks to your preserves, while avoiding monotony.
Get Your Community Involved in Your Anti-Waste Initiative
Whether it’s the extra pastries that sit on the conference table at work for days or your roommate’s bag of carrots getting damp in the fridge, you don’t have to deal with everything on your own: we need to collectively manage the fight against food waste.
Creative Recipes for Decorated Pumpkins!
Despite its interesting nutritional value, its cooking versatility and its great flavour, each year, thousands of tonnes of pumpkins end up in the garbage. The seasoned zero-wasters already know that pumpkins are much more than just decoration and that they don’t go out of style on November 1st!
Zero-Waste…Even in the Garden!
For garden enthusiasts, August is a time of abundance. It’s so rewarding to reap the literal fruits of our labours. But if you were ambitious about your spring planting, you may be at a loss when you see the avalanche of zucchinis and the mountain of cherry tomatoes just waiting to be picked from the garden.
Twist your scraps into summer drinks!
Hot summer days are finally upon us, and they bring tidings of great thirst for refreshment! In combining gastronomy and anti-waste, we’ve compiled some great ideas for turning your leftovers into delicious summery drinks.
3 Movies and Documentaries That Will Make You Want to Take Action for the Planet!
There are movies that we watch while reconnecting with our inner zombie after a tiring day, and then there are those that leave us amazed, with a burning little flame that animates us. It’s the latter that I want to talk to you about today. Let’s dive into universes that are good for morale and drive us to take action!
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