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The Travelling Jar!


The Magic of Canning

1 October 2024 | By Earth Day Canada
The Travelling Jar!Unclassified

The Magic of Canning: Make the Most of Harvest Season to Eat Local All Year… Without Breaking the Bank!

Markets are overflowing with fresh, delicious vegetables. AH! The stalls are filled with tomatoes, cucumbers, squashes, onions, herbs… it’s so mouthwatering!

How can you enjoy all this year-round?

Well… thanks to the magic of homemade canning!

I can already hear you saying, “Yes, but Myriam, you’re a canning expert, it’s normal for you to find it easy AND magical!” Teaching canning is indeed my job. And that’s precisely why I KNOW that you’re not alone in hesitating to dive into canning.

What do I hear most?

I lack knowledge! The information is contradictory!

– I’m afraid of making mistakes and poisoning my family!

– I’m afraid of wasting food and it not turning out well!

Canning is tedious, and I don’t have the time!

Welcome to the club!

We all say these things a few times in our lives as “canning enthusiasts.” Want to know how to turn things around?

Let me introduce you to the five “magic killers” of canning and some tips to overcome them!

Magic Killer #1: The Feeling of Lacking Knowledge

Have you searched for canning information and found everything and its opposite? One article says a pressure canner is essential for spaghetti sauce, while a friend assures you it’s okay to make it in the oven. The confusion this creates is enough to discourage anyone.

Fortunately, there are reliable sources of information. For example, have you browsed the practical canning guide from The Travelling Jar? I can assure you that by following these instructions, you won’t go wrong.

Once you’ve read it, you’ll understand that it’s possible to can many foods without a pressure canner (check out my video), except for low-acid foods. There are several techniques requiring less equipment that will allow you to make pickles, jams, tomato sauces, condiments, ketchup, and more, safely.

Magic Killer #2: Fear of Food Poisoning

Have you read the guide and still fear that your preserves might cause food poisoning? Or that your pressure canner might explode like in an urban legend?

Here’s a tip: start with techniques that have the least risk.

Lacto-fermentation (check out my video), for example, allows you to create delicious and super healthy snacks by simply mixing vegetables with salt!

Dehydration (check out my video), on the other hand, offers all sorts of practical possibilities: fruit leathers, herbs, dried fruits… yum!

Oh! And I almost forgot — did you know you can store squashes, onions, and garlic for several months without refrigeration? In the fall, I sometimes decorate the house by adding a few squashes to my bookshelves and shelves. This way, I always have one hidden somewhere to make a comforting soup.

Magic Killer #3: Lack of Inspiration

Are you going in circles, unsure where to start, or afraid your preserves won’t please the whole household? The magic of canning is also about creating new and exciting ingredients. No, your ketchup won’t taste “like store-bought,” but it will be YOUR ketchup, to your own taste! I bet it will be much better than the store-bought version!

Imagine opening a jar of homemade tomato sauce or apple sauce in the middle of winter. Your taste buds never lie. Let them guide you to add a touch of summer to February evenings!

And if you’re still lacking inspiration, you’ll find it in my article “Beautiful world of canning!”.

Magic Killer #4: Lack of Time

When you think “canning,” do you imagine a long day peeling tomatoes, finishing late, running out of jars, and “plugging” the kids in front of the TV? It doesn’t have to be like that at all! The big chores with tomatoes or apples are just one aspect of canning.

Here’s a different approach more suited to daily reality: make just a few jars at a time. Use a quiet moment to get out the tools and check if you’re missing anything. Add your ingredient list to your grocery list to avoid unnecessary trips. During a break, review the recipe. When you’re ready, start with a few jars!

Other examples that are even less time-consuming? In one evening, you can start fermenting sauerkraut in a jar, fill the dehydrator with herbs, test a homemade jam recipe, or make 2-3 jars of BBQ sauce.

The magic of canning is finding a rhythm that works for you and turning these small moments into big accomplishments.

Magic Killer #5: Lack of Practice

You’ve read all the guides and followed all the advice, but something is stopping you from getting started. Are you procrastinating? Even after years, I sometimes feel “rusty.” My advice: just go for it! Choose a simple recipe and dive in. The more you practice, the more you add a touch of magic to each canning project. It will become second nature!

Remember: the magic of canning is turning seasonal harvests into treasures that will last all year. You have everything you need: a bit of curiosity, a pinch of boldness, and the willingness to overcome obstacles!

Myriam d’Au tour du pot.

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