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Buy Second-Hand Without Compromising the Planet or Your Style!
How can we, as individuals, limit the environmental and social impact of our textile consumption? Because yes, as individuals, we do play a role in all this mess!
Here are a few ideas on how to buy second-hand without sacrificing style or the planet.
How to Address the Issue of Food Waste Without Annoying Your Loved Ones!
If, like me, the fight against food waste is important to you, you may sometimes want to inform your loved ones and give them tips when you witness them wasting food.
Sustainable mobility: best practices in businesses
Sustainable mobility has become a major issue, and Canada is no exception. Several Canadian companies stand out for their concrete actions in favor of sustainable mobility.
Earth Day Canada Launches 2024 Campaign: Together for Active and Public Transportation
Giving a Second Life to Your Food Waste
To maximize the value of food scraps, just before the compost stage, I’d like to suggest 5 ways to give them a second life, apart from using them for cooking!
Degrowth: What is it and How Do We Include it in Our Daily Lives?
We are thus unknowingly forced to sell our labour in order to obtain the money needed to meet our needs.
Navigating the Deposit-Refund Expansion
You may have seen posters in a nearby shop indicating new measures regarding the deposit-refund program. Or perhaps, like us, you’ve tried to understand this new management system by reading up on it. Not to worry, this short read will help you get to the bottom of it all.
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Montréal (Québec) H2T 1T3 Canada
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