Blog & News
The Next Generation Is Already Playing an Important Role In the Ecological Transition
It’s undeniable that the ecological transition is here and more and more individuals are joining the movement. When I say individuals, I’m including children because they’re well aware of the environmental challenges we face. They, too, have a positive impact on the planet and we could let them inspire us!
Leave No Trace in a Few Steps
Brighter days are here, summer is at our doorstep, and the rhythm of hiking and camping is quickening. Which makes it the perfect time to talk about the “Leave No Trace” movement and the right habits you can practise and the mistakes to avoid on your next adventure.
3 Movies and Documentaries That Will Make You Want to Take Action for the Planet!
There are movies that we watch while reconnecting with our inner zombie after a tiring day, and then there are those that leave us amazed, with a burning little flame that animates us. It’s the latter that I want to talk to you about today. Let’s dive into universes that are good for morale and drive us to take action!
4 Ways to Avoid Greenwashing in Your Wardrobe
I care about the environment. Unfortunately, I tend to slip a little when it comes to my wardrobe! Sometimes I see an item of clothing and buy it without thinking of the ramifications, especially if it’s being advertised as eco-friendly…
Learn To Calm Your Nervous System: Develop This Skill To Cope With The Climate Crisis
In the face of the climate crisis, how can we learn to calm down and draw from our resilience and creativity? Here are a few suggestions from Isabelle Béliveau, laureate of the 2021 Aiming for Action contest, taken from the workshops and trainings of Éco-motion, the organization she co-founded.
Raising the Next Generation of Environmentalists
As parents, part of our role is to help our children build the world they dream of. How can we help them feel connected to nature and better equipped to protect the planet and all the species that inhabit it? I have some ideas.
Action/Reduction, The Fast Lane Towards Zero Waste For Businesses
The Action/Reduction Certification from Earth Day Canada is a way to provide support to businesses in the neighbourhood that wish to adopt eco-responsible practices and reduce waste at the source. Discover more about this journey to visibly reduce businesses impact!
Give Thanks By Eating Local And In Season!
It’s the perfect time of year to give thanks to the inspiring initiatives and the passionate people behind them, who make healthy, local food accessible and delicious!
A Greener Back-to-School Season
It’s that time of year, summer is winding down and the kids are heading back to school. Over the last few years I’ve learned to press the pause button before I head out to the store for school supplies, and really consider the things that I am buying. What better time to start a new routine and embrace greener habits than the start of a fresh school-year?!
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Earth Day Canada
5818, boulevard Saint-Laurent
Montréal (Québec) H2T 1T3 Canada
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