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Mot-clé : foodwaste
Leave No Trace in a Few Steps
Brighter days are here, summer is at our doorstep, and the rhythm of hiking and camping is quickening. Which makes it the perfect time to talk about the “Leave No Trace” movement and the right habits you can practise and the mistakes to avoid on your next adventure.
Zero Food Waste, Even When Camping!
Whether you’re a camping die-hard or an occasional fan, this article will give you the tools to avoid waste, even away from your beloved fridge.
The Art of Organizing an Eco-Friendly Event 101!
Managing event logistics is an art in itself. Add to the equation the need to generate as few greenhouse gases as possible, and it can quickly become a real challenge! Fortunately, there are valuable resources for adopting greener event practices.
3 Movies and Documentaries That Will Make You Want to Take Action for the Planet!
There are movies that we watch while reconnecting with our inner zombie after a tiring day, and then there are those that leave us amazed, with a burning little flame that animates us. It’s the latter that I want to talk to you about today. Let’s dive into universes that are good for morale and drive us to take action!
Seasonal Recipes, So You Don’t Miss Out on May’s Vegetables!
Spring is such a reinvigorating season with the return of long sunny days and the abundance of brightly coloured seasonal fruits and vegetables filling our supermarkets.
5 anti-waste reflexes to develop after trips to the grocery store!
To avoid wasting, there’s no point in rushing, you just have to start off the right way! As soon as you get back from the supermarket, there are several storage tips you should know to optimize your food preserving.
My First Steps Towards Sustainable Eating
As we move towards an eco-friendly lifestyle in greater numbers, the way we eat must also shift, especially considering we eat every day, several times a day. But in order to run, we need to learn how to walk, and it starts with a first step!
We Did the Testing for You! Best Preserving Tricks With Ricardo and Food Fight
When it comes to preserving, it’s sometimes hard to tell the difference between true and false: there’s a lot of conflicting advice and contradictions! To make it easier for you, Ricardo and I put to the test, à-la-MythBusters, 20 tips and tricks for storing common foods.
Eco-Friendly Items, 100% Made In Quebec, To Reduce Your Environmental Footprint
Reduce your environmental footprint on a daily basis? It’s easy with the eco-friendly kit offered by the Fonds Éco IGA in partnership with Earth Day!
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